Rabu, 5 Oktober 2011

What you see is what you get!

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem

Assalamu'alaykum wbt,

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah that He chose you to be here with me in this small garden of Jannah :)

Positive thinking-what you see is what you get, is a love letter from me to you today, dear my Muslim sisters and brothers.

Read carefully. Then, ponder upon it.

Before I start, I would love to share a beautiful poem :

Muslim smiles in trouble
Because he has Allah in his heart
And Allah teaches him the power of positive mind
By truly believing Him

What is positive thinking actually?

Islam teaches us to have good thought at all times. 24 hours and 7 days. To Allah and to all people.

Firstly, by having positive mind in Allah means you put ALL YOUR TRUST in Allah.

No one is ever completely happy. You are making a big mistake if you think that life must always be one hundred percent in your favour. This is something that only will happen in paradise.

In this world, however, happiness is relative. You will not get everything you want. There will be always some trouble, trials, sickness and adversity.

So, be grateful at times of ease and patient at times of hardship by endeavour with positive thoughts of Allah. Do not be too idealistic. Expecting something beyond control. Good health with no sickness. Richness with no poverty. Happiness with nothing to spoil your joy and a friend with no faults. That will never happen.

Try to learn how to overlook the negative and mistakes. And, try to look at the positive aspects and good things ONLY. Think well of others and make excuses for them. BUT put your trust to Allah only, because people are not fit to be relied upon.

I say, do not be content to have some dark areas in your life, for the light is there. All you have to do is to TURN IT ON and see it shining. How? BY TRANSFORMING OUR THINKING PATTERN AND BELIEVE IN ALLAH.

Secondly, the question on how to continuously positive to people always stuck in my mind. One day, with Allah's blessings, I eventually found the answer. Seek understood, to be understand. This principle is really bombed me out. Put yourself in others person shoes and try to understand the situation well.

If you hurt, make du'a to Allah to vanish the fire of anger. If you upset, ask Allah to wipe the tears away by giving comfort in your heart. Forget the past and forgive him, ONLY for the sake of Allah.

Tik tok! Tik tok! Tik tok!

The time is running out! Change yourself to the better and shift your paradigm to positive OR you won't be improved in your life. All the decision is in your hands. I'll leave it to you. :)

Then, syukran for reading :)


Muslim Syok Bersama!

Assalamu'alaykum wbt,

Pertama sekali, alhamdulillah dipanjatkan rasa syukur tiada terhingga kerana Allah sudi memberi kekuatan untuk membuat blog ini. Hasrat untuk memiliki blog memang sudah lama terpendam dihati. Namun, siapalah aku tanpa diberi kekuatan daripada-Nya?

Sebarkan cinta-Mu. Aku memilihnya kerana-Nya. Jujur, ia diambil daripada tajuk novel seorang sang Murobbiyah yang ana sayangi dan kagumi kerana-Nya. Moga Allah merahmati dan melindunginya sentiasa ameen. Setitis kesedaran yang diperolehi daripada-Nya ini telah memotivasi untuk mewujudkan kehadiran blog ini, sekadar ingin berkongsi ilmu dan pemikiran. Bukan niat untuk bermegah. Bukan untuk meraih publisiti atau pujian manusia yang sementara. Tetapi, mudahan perkongsian ilmu nanti walaupun sedikit tetap ada manfaatnya, ameen insya Allah. Kerana aku percaya dan yakin, sedikit atau sekecil manapun usaha yang dilakukan tetap Allah akan memperhitungnya.

Buat kalian kesayanganku kerana-Nya,
Terima kasih kerana sudi menjejaki kaki ke blogku.
Jom sama-sama berusaha dan berganding bahu untuk memiliki cinta-Nya dan sama-sama berusaha dan bermujahadah untuk bangkit menjadi mujahid atau mujahidah yang dirindui ummah.

Jika kau serahkan hatimu pada manusia, manusia akan melukainya tapi jika kau serahkan hatimu pada Allah, Allah akan merawatnya dengan kemanisan cinta-Nya. Kerana cinta Allah tidak pernah mengecewakan.

Prinsip kita ialah MSB, bermaksud Muslim Syok Bersama. Ingin sama-sama berpimpin tangan masuk ke syurga-Nya. Dan bukan, MSS (Muslim Syok Sendiri).

Justeru itu, fight ignorance! And learn Islam.

Dan orang-orang yang berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh kerana memenuhi kehendak ugama Kami, sesungguhnya Kami akan memimpin mereka ke jalan-jalan Kami (yang menjadikan mereka bergembira serta beroleh keredaan); dan sesungguhnya (pertolongan dan bantuan) Allah adalah berserta orang-orang yang berusaha membaiki amalannya. (QS 29:69)

Sekian, moga bermanfaat :)